"Reclaimed: Reflecting His Purpose”

Genesis 19:26 (NET)

“But Lot’s wife looked back longingly and was turned into a pillar of salt.”

"Through the Windshield of Faith, Not the Rearview Mirror of Regret"


In our ongoing "Reclaimed" series, we've been on a spiritual journey through the Bible, uncovering the profound parallels between the world of reclaimed and repurposed creations and the essence of being a Christian.

Today, I invite you to join me in the contemplation of Lot's wife, whose story teaches us an invaluable lesson about the weight of the past, the temptation to look back, and the transformative power of reflecting His purpose through our reclamation.

Imagine for a moment that your life is a car on a winding journey. The windshield is vast and expansive, offering a panoramic view of the road ahead. It's large for a reason—to encourage you to look forward, to see what lies ahead, and to anticipate the twists and turns that await.

But take a glance at the rearview mirror. It's small and unobtrusive, designed to provide a mere glimpse of what's behind you. It's there to remind you of your past, but it's not meant for dwelling or longing to return. Lot's wife, in her tragic story, learned this lesson the hard way.


The Temptation to Look Back

Lot's wife, an unsung character in Genesis 19:15-26, represents the very essence of human struggle—a poignant reminder of the allure of the past. Fleeing the impending destruction of Sodom, the angels issued an unwavering command: "Do not look back!" Yet, amidst the chaos and chaos of that moment, Lot's wife could not resist the pull of nostalgia, curiosity, or regret. In that fateful glance over her shoulder, she became a pillar of salt—an eternal emblem of the consequences of looking back.

How often do we, like Lot's wife, wrestle with the ghosts of yesterday? We dwell on past mistakes, relationships that have soured, or moments of glory that have faded into the recesses of memory. The past can be a haunting presence, an anchor that prevents us from setting sail toward the purpose God has designed for us.


Reclaiming His Purpose

Reflecting His purpose is a profound commitment to live in the present while embracing the promise of the future. It means acknowledging that God's plan for us is one of continuous renewal and forward momentum. To do so, we must shed the heavy cloak of our past—whether it be the shackles of regret, the burdens of failure, or the yearning for days gone by. 

But letting go is not synonymous with forgetting. It is, instead, a courageous act of entrusting our past to the Almighty, believing that He will guide us to brighter tomorrows. The words of the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13-14 resonate with profound wisdom: "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."


Embracing the Journey

Reflecting God's purpose is a dynamic and transformative journey. It invites us to awaken each day with a heart open to His will, to heed His gentle guidance, and to perpetually renew our minds, as Romans 12:2 so eloquently puts it: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." 

This journey asks us to welcome change, embrace growth, and trust in the profound transformation that God can work within us, as beautifully expressed in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 


In our "Reclaimed" series, the story of Lot's wife is a poignant reminder of the weight of our past and the immense value of reflecting God's purpose. Letting go of what was may be one of life's most daunting challenges, but it's also the gateway to a future filled with divine blessings. Just as Lot's wife's disobedience had dire consequences, holding onto our past can shroud our present and future in darkness.

 So, let us make a steadfast commitment to move forward, to fix our gaze upon the path God has laid before us, and to trust that His purpose is always worth pursuing. May we learn from the pillar of salt that once was Lot's wife, and instead become living testimonies to the transformative power of God's grace, as we journey onward in His purposeful and loving embrace.






"Reclaimed: Reconnecting-Letting Go to Embrace the New”


“Reclaimed: Redesigned and Radiant”