"Reclaimed: Reconnecting-Letting Go to Embrace the New”

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

"It's not about closing doors; it's about keeping our hearts open to God's plan."

As we journey through our "Reclaimed" series, we set forth on a new path, one that leads us toward a deeper connection with Christ. In our past reflections, we've talked about finding those old treasures, hidden amidst the dust and clutter, and taking them home to make them new, repurposing them into something beautiful, restoring them, and breathing new life into them. We've learned the importance of not dwelling on the past, of looking forward through the windshield of faith, rather than constantly glancing in the rearview mirror of regret. Now, we set forth on a fresh path of discovery, focusing on the intricate process of "reconnecting." This journey guides us through the art of "disconnection" from the "old treasures" that no longer contribute positively to our spiritual growth, prompting us to release what's hindering our progress. It's about consciously letting go of things that no longer serve us, redirecting our focus on Christ's path, and embracing a fresh start.

Letting Go of the Past

Our path to reconnecting begins with the powerful act of releasing what holds us back. We've frequently turned to 2 Corinthians 5:17 as our guiding verse throughout this series: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." This powerful verse is a constant reminder that in Christ, we are graced with a remarkable gift—a chance for a brand-new beginning. It emphasizes the significance of shedding the weight of past mistakes, letting go of relationships that no longer align with our journey on Christ's path, and fully embracing the promise of renewal.

Disconnecting for Growth

In a world teeming with distractions and influences that lead us astray, our journey of reconnecting necessitates a conscious act of disconnection. Romans 12:2 has also guided us, stating, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This verse encourages us to break free from the chains of worldly conformity, to be transformed in our way of thinking. It's about choosing what truly influences us and guarding our hearts and minds against anything that steers us away from God's divine plan.

Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships

Just as cleaning or repurposing an old, worn-out piece of jewelry or weathered wood can breathe new life into them, sometimes we must remove relationships that hinder our spiritual growth. This process of spiritual pruning, like tending to a plant, helps us flourish on Christ's path. In the book of Proverbs, we encounter the wisdom that the company we keep impacts us profoundly: "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm" (Proverbs 13:20). As we seek to reconnect with our new life in Christ, it may become necessary to distance ourselves from relationships that pull us away from God's purpose. This process can be emotionally challenging, but letting go of those who pull us down is an act of self-love and obedience to God. By doing so, we make space for relationships that uplift and encourage us in our spiritual growth. It's not about closing doors; it's about keeping our hearts open to God's plan. This transformative act of releasing the old allows us to embrace the new with hope, and though it may seem daunting, the path forward is illuminated by God's grace.

The Importance of Setting Boundaries

The art of reconnecting involves setting boundaries in our relationships, and 2 Corinthians 6:14 provides guidance: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" This verse reminds us to prioritize relationships with those who share our faith and values. While it doesn't mean we can't have friendships with those who hold different beliefs, it underscores the importance of aligning with relationships that encourage spiritual growth.

Embracing New Connections

As we disconnect from relationships that hinder our spiritual progress, we create space to reconnect with individuals who support our journey that God has planned for us. Romans 12:2 encourages us to transform ourselves: "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Part of this transformation includes seeking out connections that align with God's will and help us grow spiritually.

In our "Reclaimed" series, the theme of "Reconnecting" highlights the importance of disconnecting from anything that hinders our new life in Christ. Just as we've reclaimed old treasures and breathed new life into them, we're now challenged to disconnect from things that no longer serve as good treasures in our lives. Letting go of the past, old relationships, and influences that divert us from God's purpose can be a challenging yet necessary step in our spiritual journey. As we disconnect from worldly distractions, we create space to reconnect with God and fellow believers who support our faith. Remember, as a new creation, you have the power to set boundaries and make choices that reflect your faith and purpose. Reconnecting means embracing the transformative power of God's grace and creating space for relationships that uplift and inspire you on your path with Christ. It's not about severing connections but about strengthening those that draw us closer to God and ultimately, to our new “reclaimed” versions of ourselves.






“Reclaimed: Sorting Out the Shoe Rack of Life”


"Reclaimed: Reflecting His Purpose”